What Does a DPO Do & Who Needs One ?

What Does a DPO Do & Who Needs One ?

What does the DPO do? In short, help to ensure that your organisation protects the personal data that it handles and remains compliant with GDPR. For some organisations the appointment of a DPO (Data Protection Officer) is mandatory, for others recommended. The GDPR states that: “The data protection officer shall have at least the following […]

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Creating a WIN WIN WIN

What do I mean and why is it important? Here I’m talking about creating a situation where all parties feel that they have gained something. Then everyone feels that it is beneficial. They are much more likely to abide by it, work with it and promote it. It’s much more durable. People talk about creating […]

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Government Guidance for Lawyers for when we leave the EU on 1st January

The MoJ has published a series of documents for the Legal Profession with advice and guidance for when we leave the EU on 1st January 2021. For ease of reference we have published the links to them below. A lot of important issues.  Some require urgent action - such as if you are an EU […]

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Probate Applications - from 2nd November compulsory use of the On-Line Portal

From 2nd November 2020 it will be complusory for solicitors applying for Probate to use the on-line portal. At present only about a third of such applications are made through the portal - so this will be a big change for the profession. Here's a link to the Statutory Instrument if you are interested: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/1059/pdfs/uksi_20201059_en.pdf

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Taking money for your firm's costs: SRA Guidance

SRA Guidance: Taking money for your firm's costs It is very helpful for the SRA to publish this. Of course it may be viewed on their website, but for ease of reference we have reproduced it here as well. Published: 14 September 2020 Status This guidance is to help you understand your obligations and how to […]

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What is a Breach for the COFA?

This arises out of a discussion with the ILFM. Unfortunately, it’s not as straight forward in drawing up a list of what is and what isn’t material breach. Our view is that materiality can be very subjective and often left to interpretation. To assist practices, they suggest you ask yourself the following questions in order […]

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Practical framework for law firms and sole practitioners on return to the Office

The Law Society published on 24th August a very helpful guide. This can be accessed here: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/topics/coronavirus/practical-framework-for-law-firms-and-sole-practitioners-on-return-to-the-office However, for speed and ease of reference (on the basis that every click loses a percentage) we have reproduced it here. We hope this will be of assistance. The UK government has published detailed guidance for offices in England, […]

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Government Guidance on making wills using video-conferencing - updated 20.8.20

New legislation on making wills The legislation recognises that: An increasing number of people have sought to make wills during the Covid 19 pandemic, but for people shielding or self-isolating it is extremely challenging to follow the normal legalities of making a will - namely it being witnessed by two people. In response to this […]

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Apprenticeships & the SQE - how this can save you money

The Government Apprenticeship Scheme is promoted as an option by the SRA for a way to assist with the funding of training costs. It is Government Policy to help people into employment to be able to use their skills and become good tax-payers. So, you should be pushing at an open door. In October 2020 […]

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Are you the Blockage?

Like many of my blogs or articles, the idea came from a comment made by a client. This was a small law firm in the Midlands (approx. 10 people). 2 partners told me that things started changing when they asked themselves if they were the blockage. I was impressed that they had the humility, courage […]

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The feedback we have from our team, and which we regularly hear from others is that Ingemar is an insightful and knowledgeable trainer who is comprehensive yet engaging in his approach. Still unsure? Five minutes on the phone with Ingemar and you will be sold on how much value he can add to your business!"

Arj Arul - Director at Spires Legal

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