We have been providing support to firms using the LEAP and the eclipse Proclaim case management systems for a long time. We are delighted to now be able to add support for those firms using the Clio case management system. Firms have been asking us, so this is a response to demand.
Here is a link to the page on our website about this service: https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/clio-support/
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We have worked with over 800 businesses on their case management systems; implementing, set & training & general advice. We provide similar support for users of the Proclaim eclipse Case Management software: https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/proclaim-support/ and for firms using the LEAP Case Management software: https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/leap-assistance/ and for firms using the Actionstep Case Management System https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/actionstep-support/