Your Firm’s Diversity Data - Where & how should you publish this according to the SRA?

Law firms regulated by the SRA must publish their diversity data. Here is a link to guidance from the SRA on where and how this should be done: This was guidance was updated in June 2023.

The SRA a very active in carrying out AML Audits. We help firms navigate their way through such an audit and then with any work the SRA ask them to do to comply. In addition we can assist with carrying out an Independent AML audit after a few months to check the actual implementation & operation of those AML policies & procedures.

It is best to contact us as soon as you receive notification from the SRA. They will ask you to answer some preliminary questions and submit your policies for review. How you answer them can help or hinder how the audit or inspection goes.

We charge at £200 + VAT

Below are the Agenda's the SRA send out in their letter giving notice of an inspection.

Agenda to Prepare for The SRA Inspection

1.Within 7 days  We will arrange a date for the inspection
2.14 days  Provide: a list of the fee earners at your firm   open and closed matter lists for your fee earners   your response to our questionnaire   your firm wide risk assessment   your firm’s proliferation financing risk assessment   your firm’s AML policies and procedures   your firm’s template client and matter risk assessment   copies of any audits on your firm’s policies and procedures   AML related training records and content   High risk matters list if applicable   File review template and list of file reviews completed in the last 6 months  
3.3-5 days before the inspection  We will provide a list of the files we wish to review on-site and confirm if fee earners have been selected for interview.  

AML Inspection Day Agenda

 Approx Time  Activity  
 10.00am  Introductions and context  
 10.15am  Interview with the Money Laundering Compliance Officer (MLCO) and Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)  
 12.00am  Break for lunch  
 12.30pm  File reviews and review of SARs/DAML / opportunity to interview fee earners  
 2.40pm  Feedback to MLCO on files reviews and fee earner interviews. Thank you and close  

AML Support from us (HCL)

We provide a lot of AML support to businesses in the Legal Sector. Please see below for a summary and links for further information.

(Sanctions Regime compliance - see separate services for this on our website.)

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us, ideally by using the 'How can we help you?' form below.

This guidance on the Proceeds of Crime Act applies to all people and firms regulated by the SRA, whether or not they fall within AML scope. The SRA have given notice that they will have regard to this guidance when exercising it's regulatory functions. The guidance has been issued to help people understand the SRA's expectations.

Below is a link to the guidance. It has some useful examples, a list of Red Flags to watch out for, how to make a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR), exemptions and emphasises the need for the training of staff [with which we can assist].

Here is the link to the Guidance.

AML Support we offer

Independent AML Audit - an audit to ensure the implementation & exercise of your AML policies & procedures

AML Training - for those regulated by the SRA and by the FCA

AML Policy & PWRA Review

OPM - an up to date Office Procedures Manual (SRA regulated firms)

MLRO Support Retainer - for MLROs in certain FCA regulated sectors

MLRO Reviews & Reports - for MLROs in certain FCA regulated sectors

Contact Us

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or [email protected]

From 12 June, the SRA are introducing an additional verification step to make your mySRA account more secure. This means when you log in you will need to register a phone number. You will then need to have this phone with you every time you log in to mySRA and use a text message code or call to verify your identity. Because of this, you will also need to replace any saved mySRA website links.

More info here:

For assistance with Compliance

Hit this link:

For help with QWE Confirmation

Hit this link:

Contact Us

Fill in the form below

or: [email protected]

We thought it would be helpful to write a post explaining the actual process, with images, of how a solicitor actually does the confirmation of the QWE on the SRA website - as a resource for solicitors and also for Aspiring Solicitors who want to know.

The actual process is quite simple. It remains so if you have an SRA regulated solicitor on your organisation who will confirm your QWE. However, the SRA does allow an Aspiring Solicitor to reach outside of their organisation to an External Confirming Solicitor to confirm their QWE (for example if they do not have an SRA regulated solicitor in their organisation (perhaps working inhouse or in a charity and/or abroad). We have so far helped over 60 Aspiring Solicitors (at the time of writing) in that situation. Follow this link and/or fill in the form for more information.

The Process - how a solicitor confirms

  • The Aspiring Solicitor goes to their MySRA profile on the SRA website and fills in the name of the organisation where the QWE has been done [if it is an SRA regulated law firm it is best to search by the firm's SRA number], the start date and end date of the QWE and how many years and/or months FTE (full time equivalent) QWE that is.
  • They search for the solicitor who is to do the confirmation by their SRA number.
  • This will prompt the SRA website to email the confirming solicitor asking them to confirm the QWE. In our experience the email seems to be sent between 1 & 3am UK time - ready for you to act upon the next morning. Below is an example of the email the solicitor will receive.

  • The solicitor clicks on the link in the email. This will take them to part of their own MySRA profile on the SRA website. They will see there listed the QWE period to confirm. When the click on the link they will see something like what I have shown below:

  • Assuming they agree, the solicitor should tick the box at the bottom and click on the red button reading 'Confirm Period of QWE'.
  • The Aspiring Solicitor will receive an email from the SRA website then telling them that the period of QWE has been confirmed. That normally comes through in a matter of minutes.

Please note that the process will need to be repeated for each period of QWE to be confirmed.

External QWE Confirmation Service

If you need an SRA regulated solicitor to confirm your QWE but have no-one in your organisation to do so - we can help. Please see the link below and feel free to signpost them to us:

QWE - External Confirming Solicitor Service - for Aspiring Solicitors

We are putting this up so that people may satisfy their curiosity as to what the message to a successful applicant looks like!

Help with your SQE2 Exemption Application

Here is a link to more info

Help with confirming QWE

This is for people who are NOT foreign qualified lawyers. We have confirmed QWE to the SRA for over 50 aspiring solicitors from around the world.

Here is a link to the service

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us, ideally by using the 'How can we help you?' form below.

On 2nd May 2023 the SRA wrote to all firms they regulate who are NOT within scope of the AML regulations (they already asked those within AML scope) with a series of questions on how they comply with the Sanctions Regime. (Check your junk box!)

Answering is mandatory and answers must be submitted by the end of May 2023

Although the answers seem simple, you do not want to get them wrong. The SRA will keep the answers and refer to them in future audits. They followed this approach with AML earlier and are now auditing and referring back to answer given earlier.

We are helping firms with answering the questions for a nominal fee of £50 + VAT.

Other Sanctions compliance help

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us, ideally by using the 'How can we help you?' form below.

We thought it worth putting up an answer to this questions as it has been asked may times. Compliance with AML is a particularly hot topic and the SRA is increasing inspection, audit and enforcement.

The SRA does not give an absolutely categorical list, but does supply helpful guidance (we understand a lot more helpful than the FCA) and attempt to tell firms it regulates what 'good' looks like.

(We provide a lot of support to businesses in the Legal Sector with AML compliance. Please see more info below.)

Here is a link to the most useful page we have found on the SRA website in answer to this question.

Below we have put part of that page where they have given guidance on what areas of legal work fall in scope of the AML regime:

"Legal areas of work - in and out of scope

The areas of work in the regulations are standalone definitions and do not align with other definitions of legal services. They do not for example refer to reserved activities under the Legal Services Act 2007.

You will need to decide for yourself whether a matter is in scope of the regulations or not.

You should be aware that there is no de minimis for small transactions or limited amounts of work. If something you do is in scope, the regulations apply in full.

It is also important to note that there is no definitive list of activities that are not in scope. While a type of legal work (eg litigation) might be considered out of scope, a particular matter could be drawn into scope if for example you were to set up a trust for the client as part of the matter.

Below are the areas of legal work that will generally be in scope of the regulations. Please note this list is not exhaustive and only reflects the likelihood that work of these types will be in scope. You will need to take a case-by-case approach when deciding whether a matter is in scope. If you are unclear, you should seek independent legal advice.

  • Conveyancing
  • Commercial and corporate work
  • Transactional work – including commodities, and business entities
  • Trust and company work
  • Tax work (other than litigation involving Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs or the simple paying of Stamp Duty and Land Tax)
  • Probate matters where you are managing the assets of the estate under instruction from the executors or as the executor or creating a trust as a part of the surrounding arrangements"

AML Support from us (HCL)

We provide a lot of AML support to businesses in the Legal Sector. Please see below for a summary and links for further information.

  • SRA Audit or Inspection on AML - we help firms with this. Charged at £200/r. It is best to contact us as soon as you receive notification from the SRA. They will ask you to answer some preliminary questions and submit your policies for review. How you answer them can help or hinder how the audit or inspection goes.

(Sanctions Regime compliance - see separate services for this on our website.)

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us, ideally by using the 'How can we help you?' form below.

The SRA has issued updated guidance on 4th May 2023. This is in response to continued reports of an unsupportive, bullying or toxic working environment and culture in some firms it regulates.

The guidance is for all individuals and firms the SRA regulates, including managers and other individuals involved in senior leadership within law firms and other organisations delivering legal services.

The purpose is to explains the SRA's approach where they consider that individuals and firms have failed to take appropriate steps to look after colleagues' wellbeing. It sets out the main standards that apply to solicitors, and to law firms and those responsible for their culture and the systems in place within them.

It is the responsibility of senior management to do everything they reasonably can to look after the wellbeing of those who work in and with the firm. It seems pretty clear that the SRA will refer to these rules when considering the conduct of a firm.

Here is a link to the Guidance.

The SRA write about enforcement:

"We are likely to take action against an individual where, for example, there is evidence of:

  • Behaviours which intentionally undermine, bully or harass a colleague, or which are discriminatory.
  • Repeated or blatant unfair treatment of colleagues which leads to culture, practices or actions which are unethical or against the interests of clients.
  • Intentionally placing pressure on a person to act improperly, or victimising them for acting properly.
  • A manager repeatedly failing to challenge or address any such behaviour in a prompt or effective way.

We are likely to take action against a firm where, for example, there is evidence of:

  • A pattern of the abuse of authority by senior staff that has been left unchecked by the firm
  • A complaint of discrimination, victimisation or harassment not dealt with by the firm in a prompt and fair manner
  • Complaints of bullying raised with the firm over a period of time involving a number of staff and inadequate action taken by the firm as a result. Or evidence that the incidents had not been brought to light sooner because of the firm's culture and/or inadequate reporting and disciplinary procedures
  • A history of the firm's managers failing to challenge the unfair treatment of staff in a reasonably prompt or effective way
  • A firm pressurising staff to withdraw their complaints  
  • Ineffective systems and controls, including failure to supervise or support staff leading to serious competence or performance issues or delivery failures
  • The imposition of wholly unreasonable workloads or targets."

One of our client law firms has forwarded the email they received yesterday from the SRA giving them notice that the SRA will be asking them to answer specific questions about how they comply with the UK Sanctions Regime. They have provided a list of the questions they will ask. It is mandatory that the firm replies. A link to the questions is below. We have also put a copy of the email below.

You will read that the email with the questions will be sent out in early May and the answers have to be submitted by 31st May 2023. This looks very similar to what the SRA did in relation to AML compliance. In that case they referred back to the answers when later doing audits on the AML within firms (we are helping a number of firms to deal with such AML audits). It would not be a surprise if the SRA follow a similar pattern with regard to Sanctions compliance enforcement.

The Email from the SRA

(In order to get this up quickly we have had to put this up as links to the 2 pages of the email, which see below. Apologies for the slight inconvenience.)

Link to the questions

Help & Assistance

  • Answering the questions – feel free to reach out and we will see what help you need

AML – we mentioned this above. We provide extensive assistance with AML:

Contact us for more info:

Fill in the form below


[email protected]

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