Would you like someone to take an impartial independent look at what you are doing with the VAT & Tax related to your business? Someone with deep and wide legal industry knowledge? Your accountant might know your business and cover all of this – or they might just do the tax returns, but not have wide knowledge of the legal industry. Your FD might cover all of this, but might welcome an independent viewpoint, or might only be tasked with managing things internally, leaving such wider issues to the owners of the firm.
We would cover:
We would need to have an initial discussion with you to determine what you would like us to do, to learn about your business and of any particular issues of which we should be aware. We would then need access to your financial data including the last 3 years accounts and tax returns. We will then be able to review and provide you a report with recommendations. We would then recommend that you discuss them with your regular financial advisers before making a decision.
Please note that this service is restricted to law firms based in the UK.
Our consulting rates are £200/hr + VAT
To find out more contact us on 07887 524507 or ingemar@hunningsconsultancy.co.uk