SQE2 Exemption Applications - Letterhead for Letter of Reference

"Dear Ingemar Hunnings

Thank you for your email of 14 July 2024.

We can consider references that are not provided on headed paper, but this may mean that a decision takes longer while we verify/validate them. In the event that we are not able to verify/validate the reference(s) then the applicant may need to seek alternative referees or potentially receive a decision to refuse the application.

If you have any further questions please let me know.

Yours sincerely
Simon Prior

Authorisation Officer
Solicitors Regulation Authority"

"We at Spires Legal wholeheartedly recommend Ingemar and his team at Hunnings Consultancy Ltd. Ingemar has supported us throughout our journey from new start up to established firm. It is refreshing to have a consultant that takes the time to understand your business and its priorities, stands by your side as it develops and is flexible in approach as your needs change.
The feedback we have from our team, and which we regularly hear from others is that Ingemar is an insightful and knowledgeable trainer who is comprehensive yet engaging in his approach. Still unsure? Five minutes on the phone with Ingemar and you will be sold on how much value he can add to your business!"

Arj Arul - Director at Spires Legal

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