This blog has been rewritten because the method for doing this has been changed by the SRA. No longer do you use the pdf form which they used to require.
Here is a link to a podcast if you prefer to listen to what to do:
Instead log onto your 'MySRA' account on the SRA website. From there you will see something like 'Notify us of your QWE'. You will need to write in the period of QWE you wish to have confirmed, the name of the organisation where you did the QWE, the name of the solicitor who will confirm the QWE to the SRA and their SRA reference number.
This will prompt the SRA to email that solicitor to ask them to confirm your QWE.
They will be asked to confirm:
"I confirm that in accordance with the SRA Authorisation of Individuals Regulations, the applicant has completed a period of qualifying work experience and:
Here is a link to a short podcast with info if you prefer to listen:
Or visit this page on the SRA website: candidate pages.
But there is no definitive definition. It is up to the judgment of the Confirming Solicitor. It is best to ask them.
We can help. Our lead consultant, Ingemar Hunnings, (SRA No. 156976) provides a service as an External QWE Confirmation Solicitor. Find more information here:
If you are an Aspiring Solicitor:
If you are an employer:
There is quite a lot of resource for Aspiring Solicitors about the SQE & QWE on this website.
For information about the SQE see here:
Here is information on SQE Training Providers with their current charges for the training:
Fill in the form below
or by phone to Ingemar Hunnings: 07887 524507
or email: [email protected]