It seems that the SRA reviewed 25 law firms (we helped at least 1 of these through this). In general, they found that things were being done well. 21 of them had a written policy and/or procedure on how the firm would account to clients for interest on money held. (If you don't, we can help you.) Most did appropriate training but whilst that covered technical legal aspects well, they often missed other areas of client care. 2 of the firms failed to obtain or submit qualified accountant's reports. (If you don't & need someone, we can recommend someone to you.) 1 firm failed to comply with its AML obligations (again we can help train & advise on this).
Here is a link to the SRA report:
Help with Thematic Reviews & Inspections & Audits
We regularly help firms through SRA Audits, Inspections & Thematic Reviews and the SRA Client Account Spot Check. This includes AML & Sanctions audits. See the ink below for information. Contact us by completing the form below. Best contact use early - as soon as you heard from the SRA. We will always offer a free, no obligation initial consultation to assess your needs. We will need to see the communication from the SRA and often all relevant documentation that you have, such as your relevant policies & procedure documents.