Compliance is dull and something that we would rather not have to deal with. However we must and it is there for our and our clients’ protection. So we might as well make the completion and recording of compliance as easy as possible. This short training course is designed to run through how your LEAP Case Management System can help you with this. (Obviously this is for firms already using the LEAP Case Management System.)
The course is designed to be delivered remotely and run for an hour. So, it will fit well into a lunch hour or the evening. Price £200 + VAT. It can count as part of your CPD. A summary sheet will also be sent to you as an aide memoire. We prefer to deliver the course to one firm at a time so we can make it interactive.
The training session is an overview. More detailed training or other consulting work can be discussed.
Topics covered
Please feel free to contact us for more information or to discuss our other services. Fill in the form below or email: [email protected].