We support for those firms using the Clio case management system.
Help with:
Review of your firm's Usage of your Case Management System
Do you review usage of your case management system? A suggestion - to do so perhaps a year out from implementation or now if not done at all. To measure what you're getting from the investment. We offer a service to carry out a remote review & provide you with a report with recommendations. Normally this would take 1.5 hours & would be done remotely.
Contact Us
Please use the form below to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
We have worked with over 800 businesses on their case management systems; implementing, set & training & general advice. We provide similar support for users of the Proclaim eclipse Case Management software: https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/proclaim-support/ and for firms using the LEAP Case Management software: https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/leap-assistance/ and for firms using the Actionstep Case Management System https://hunningsconsultancy.co.uk/actionstep-support/