The Government Apprenticeship Scheme is promoted as an option by the SRA for a way to assist with the funding of training costs.
It is Government Policy to help people into employment to be able to use their skills and become good tax-payers.
So, you should be pushing at an open door. In October 2020 DWF announced that from January 2022 trainees will be on the SQE using the Apprenticeship Scheme. In April 2021 the BBC In-House Legal Department invited applicants for Level 7 Graduate Legal Apprenticeship in 2022 - to qualify as solicitors through the SQE. So the larger organisations are starting to adopt this.
The big benefit is that the trainee can qualify without a £17,000 debt (as currently is the case under the LPC).
But that might give employers more flexibility over wages perhaps?
We are interested in helping people who have done their degree to progress with their career. There are so many struggling to find a traineeship at the moment and in limbo. Such a waste of potential, effort and money. The assistance here may unlock all the potential places that exist in small law firms.
Here is a summary of information on how a law firm could use the Apprenticehip Scheme for people training to become solicitors:
Funding for the training
The Apprenticeship scheme is run through a portal. You can delegate a lot of the admin should you wish.
Getting rid of an underperforming Apprentice – Apprentices have no more or less employment rights than any other employee. There is no impact on the apprenticeship funding. There is no clawback from the employing firm. The Training Provider would cease to receive any more money as the training would have ceased.
Other Useful Links
Information about employing an apprentice and how apprenticeship funding works – step by step guide and a good starting point. -
Government guidance for employers looking to take on an apprentice on the website:
These apprenticeship funding rules and guidance apply to employers.
A link to our article summarising the SQE method for qualifying as a solicitor, which comes into effect in September 2021 and the QWE (Qualifying Work Experience) and how to start gathering that now, in advance):
If you are an Aspiring Solicitor looking to have your QWE (Qualifying Work Experience) 'Confirmed' so it counts towards your 2 year FTE requirement, then we can help. Here's a link to details:
A link to a page we have put together with the costs of some the SQE training providers - to save you some time in researching:
Whilst on this page may we invite you to take a look at our other services (see the drop downs at the top of this page). We provide all round Business Support for Law Firms, everything to allow a busy partner to get on with the client work. We have assisted over 350 law firms, direct access barristers and in house-legal. Everything from Compliance to on your Case Management System (LEAP, Proclaim & Clio), from Mentoring to Setting Up a New Law Firm. Ask about running your firm and we're probably able to help. 07887 524507 or [email protected].