The Law Society has published a report on this topic. Here is a link to where you may read a summary and download the full report:
In short the influence of English law continues to grow. It is seen as the law of choice for international trade. We do a lot of work assisting people wishing to qualify as solicitors of England & Wales. Those who are outside of the UK are usually doing so exactly because English law is the law of choice for international trade and so to be qualified as a solicitor of England & Wales is seen as a career advantage.
External QWE Confirmation Service
This is relevant to people who are NOT qualified as lawyers already. If you know of someone who needs an SRA regulated solicitor to confirm their QWE but have no-one in their organisation to do so - we can help. This service would apply to someone who is NOT qualified as a lawyer. Please see the link below and feel free to signpost them to us:
Assistance with SQE2 Exemption Applications - Qualified Lawyers
YouTube Videos on SQE, SQE2 Exemptions & QWE:
Please feel free to subscribe!