There are 11 of us now in the team - we'll run through the capabilities. Ingemar is the lead consultant & founder covering most aspects, running the company and am the subject expert on LEAP. He is ably supported by Brenda who in addition controls finance, does a lot of admin & prep work. We have an expert in AML & Sanctions in the legal sector, also providing training, who is also our expert on SRA Code of Conduct, SRA Guidelines, Transparency Rules & writes & maintains our OPM. We have 2 experts on the SRA Accounts Rules, law firm benchmarking & anything to do with law firm finance. They also provide training. We have 2 experts on Data Protection, whom we also hire out as DPO as a service to law firms but also other business in the UK & abroad. They also provide training & general support. We have 2 experts in Access Proclaim who provide assistance to firms with workflows, screens, reporting & also in building integrations with other software. We have an expert in CLC law firms & regulation. Finally, we also have an expert in law firm strategy - an ex managing partner of a top 10 UK law firm.