Reporting your Firm's Diversity to the SRA

All SRA regulated firms, regardless of size, have to collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of their workforce every two years.

Update on the collection of diversity data in 2021

The SRA received diversity data from 90 per cent of law firms in 2021 and the data is available to view in our firm diversity data tool.

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of the Code of Conduct for Firms, it is a regulatory requirement that you submit your firm’s diversity data. If your firm did not report in 2021, they will be contacting you with instructions on how to report your data now.

If you need access to the data you reported, please email us.

 Collecting diversity data

The diversity questionnaire

You can download a Microsoft Word version (DOC 6 pages, 173K) of the new questionnaire they used for collecting firm diversity data in 2021.  Read more about the changes they have made on their Q&A page. If you were not able to make the required changes to your HR systems in time for the 2021 reporting exercise, the SRA have asked you to make sure they are up to date by the time they collect data again in 2023. If you have any questions, please follow this link: contact us.

Encourage your staff to complete the questionnaire

They ask that when you collect diversity data from people working at your firm, do not make assumptions about them. Everyone should be allowed to complete the questionnaire themselves.

Although you must give people an opportunity to respond, you cannot compel anyone to provide their diversity information. However, they may want to take part if they understand they can choose 'prefer not to say' for the questions they would rather not answer.

If you are a sole practitioner or small law firm, you still need to submit your diversity data, even if you are the only person within the firm. If you are concerned about disclosing any personal information, then please select ‘prefer not to say’. 

Think about data protection before you start 

Before you start, you should tell people how the data will be used and who will have access to it. Read more about how we use the data on the what you need to know tab. Make sure you comply with the data protection legislation when you collect, store and process this information. (Remember that Hunnings Consultancy provide and assistance on Data Protection matters - contact us for more info by filling in the form below.)

Please also remember that the data reported to the SRA can be seen by all authorised signatories and organisation contacts for your firm.

You may prefer to collect the data on an anonymous basis, however the information will be much more useful to you if it is linked to an individual, eg by reference to a confidential identification number. Then it can be used to monitor a range of employment activities over time, such as promotion, pay rates, or recruitment practices. People are more likely to provide information which can be traced back to them if you reassure them about confidentiality and tell them how your firm will keep their data secure.

Who should be included in the collection?

Everyone working at your firm is covered by the firm diversity data collection, not just solicitors. You should include:

  • Full-time and part-time employees.
  • Employees on maternity leave or on long term sick leave (but only if they are in contact with the firm during their absence and are willing to respond).
  • Temporary employees, those on a secondment contract, consultants or other contracted staff working with you for three months or longer.

You should not include:

  • People engaged in work which has been outsourced by the firm.
  • Barristers or other experts engaged by the firm on individual matters.
  • People who are normally based outside England and Wales.

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